Friday 15 February 2013

Beautiful Islamic Wallpapers

Beautiful Islamic Wallpapers Biogarphy

Then in 619 CE, described by early biographers as Mohammad’s “year of sadness,” both his wife Khadija, the closest and most intimate companion of his life, and Abu Talib, his protector and the chief of the Hashim clan, died.  He was not only devastated but found himself in an extremely precarious situation. According to Reza Aslan “The results were immediate. Muhammad was openly abused on the streets of Mecca. He could no longer preach or pray in public. When he tried to do so, one person poured dirt over his head, and another threw a sheep’s uterus at him.”

After his first revelation, Khadija’s elderly cousin Waraqa had warned Mohammad that his task would not be easy and that the Quraysh would eventually expel him from Mecca. Mohammad had been dismayed at hearing this then, but almost seven years later, it looked inevitable. His message was dividing the families of Mecca, appealing above all to the young. The Believers were in essence removing themselves from the traditions of the tribe. Because Mohammad and his followers were seen to be undermining the rituals and values upon which the Quraysh religious and economic foundation depended, a devastating boycott was put upon the whole tribe of Hashim to try to starve the Believers out of Mecca.
Beautiful Islamic Wallpapers

Beautiful Islamic Wallpapers
Beautiful Islamic Wallpapers
Beautiful Islamic Wallpapers
Beautiful Islamic Wallpapers
Beautiful Islamic Wallpapers
Beautiful Islamic Wallpapers
Beautiful Islamic Wallpapers
Beautiful Islamic Wallpapers
Beautiful Islamic Wallpapers

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