Friday 15 February 2013

Green Islamic Wallpaper

Green Islamic Wallpaper Biogarphy

In early accounts of Muslim warfare, there are references to flags or battle standards of various colors: black, white, red, and greenish-black. Later Islamic dynasties adopted flags of different colors:

The Ummayads fought under white banners
The Abbasids chose black
The Fatimids used green
Various countries on the Persian Gulf have chosen red flags
These four colors (white, black, green and red) dominate the flags of Arab states.

The color green has a special place in Islam, and is often used to represent it among other world religions. One can often find it in mosques and other important places, as well as on the flag of Saudi Arabia. Some say green was Muhammad’s favorite color and that he wore a green cloak and turban, while others believe it symbolizes vegetation and life. Some say that after Muhammad, only the caliphs were allowed to wear green turbans. In the Qur'an (Surah 18:31), it is said that the inhabitants of paradise will wear green garments of fine silk. While the reference to the Qur'an is verifiable, it is not clear if other explanations are reliable or mere folklore.

Regardless of its origins, the color green has been firmly cemented in Islamic culture for centuries; for example, it is absent in many medieval European coats of arms, as during the Crusades, green was the color used by the Islamic soldiers. Additionally, in the palace of Topkapi in Istanbul, there is a room with relics of Muhammad. One of the relics, kept locked in a chest, is said to have been Muhammad's banner, under which he had went to battle. Some say that this banner is green with golden embroidery; others say that it is black.
Green Islamic Wallpaper
Green Islamic Wallpaper
Green Islamic Wallpaper
Green Islamic Wallpaper
Green Islamic Wallpaper
Green Islamic Wallpaper
Green Islamic Wallpaper
Green Islamic Wallpaper
Green Islamic Wallpaper
Green Islamic Wallpaper

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