Wednesday 13 February 2013

Islamic Photos Wallpapers

Islamic Photos Wallpapers Biogarphy

The peoples of Arabia were predominately polytheistic, and Mecca was the place of their most important sanctuary, the Ka’ba (see below).  Its ancient origins are unknown but, since all accessible deities were represented there, it was a place of annual pilgrimage for all tribes. At one time there were said to have been as many as three hundred and sixty idols in and around the Ka’ba. This, too, was under the control of the Quraysh, who wisely established a non-violent zone that was Haram (sacred, forbidden), radiating for twenty miles around the sanctuary, and made Mecca a place where any tribe could enter without fear and where they were free to practice both religion and commerce.

The Ka’ba in 1910
The Ka’ba was the most important holy place in Arabia even in pre-Islamic times; it contained hundreds of idols representing Arabian tribal gods and other religious figures, including Abraham, Jesus and Mary. It is a massive cube believed to have been built by the Prophet Abraham and dedicated to al-Lah (The God who was the same God worshipped by the Jews and Christians); it stands in the centre of the Sanctuary in the heart of Mecca. Embedded in the Ka’ba’s granite matrix is the famous Black Stone, which tradition says was originally cast down from Heaven as a sign for Adam.
Islamic Photos Wallpapers 
Islamic Photos Wallpapers 
Islamic Photos Wallpapers 
Islamic Photos Wallpapers 
Islamic Photos Wallpapers 

Islamic Photos Wallpapers 
Islamic Photos Wallpapers 
Islamic Photos Wallpapers 
Islamic Photos Wallpaper
Islamic Photos Wallpaper

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