Thursday 14 February 2013

Islamic Wallpaper 2011

Islamic Wallpaper 2011 Biogarphy

In Islamic texts dates are written using a lunar calendar beginning with the hijra (the emmigration or flight) of the Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina. This is called the Hijri calendar and is designated by the abbreviation AH, in contrast to the Western solar calendar currently used in academia in the United States, which refers to the era beginning with the birth of Jesus as the Common Era and which is abbreviated by CE. The reason why a calculation beyond simple addition or subtraction must be made in order to determine the CE date if one knows the AH date (and vice versa) is because the lunar year is ten or eleven days less than the solar year.

While the lunar Hijri calendar is used in the Sunni and pre-modern Iranian Shi'i world, Modern Iran uses a solar Hijri calendar that is 621 years less than the Western solar calendar. Converting between these two calendars is simply a matter of subtracting 621 from a CE date or adding 621 to a solar Hijri date. Nevertheless, converting between the lunar Hijri calendar and the solar Western calendar requires a somewhat more complicated calculation. Hence we have provided the links above, which performs the required calculation. Readers interested in more information about the Islamic calendar should consult the article entitled "Islamic Calendar" in the Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern Islamic World.
Islamic Wallpaper
Islamic Wallpaper

Islamic Wallpaper

Islamic Wallpaper
Islamic Wallpaper
Islamic Wallpaper
Islamic Wallpaper
Islamic Wallpaper
Islamic Wallpaper
Islamic Wallpaper

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