Friday 15 February 2013

Islamic Wallpaper For Mobile


Islamic Wallpaper For Mobile Biogarphy
Muhammad, the final messenger sent by God, belonged to the Quraysh, the tribe that controlled the sacred sites of Mecca, including the Kaaba. At the time of Muhammad's birth, ca. 570 C.E., the culture of the Arabian peninsula was generally animistic and polytheistic. Shrines with idols proliferated, especially in Mecca. The Kaaba was filled with idols that had been placed there by the different tribes and clans of Arabia. Allah, which means quite simply "the God," was the highest god, but only one among many.
Islamic Wallpaper For Mobile
Islamic Wallpaper For Mobile
Islamic Wallpaper For Mobile
Islamic Wallpaper For Mobile
Islamic Wallpaper For Mobile
Islamic Wallpaper For Mobile
Islamic Wallpaper For Mobile
Islamic Wallpaper For Mobile
Islamic Wallpaper For Mobile
Islamic Wallpaper For Mobile

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