Thursday 14 February 2013

Islamic Wallpaper Madina

Islamic Wallpaper Madina Biogarphy

In Hadith, the Imaam was the leader of all of Madinah, where his chain of narrators were the most authentic and called "SILSILATUL-ZHAHAB" or "THE GOLDEN CHAIN OF NARRATORS" (ie. Narrated from Malik from Nafi' from Ibn Umar (Radhi Allahu Anhu). The Imaam would not just narrate Hadith from anyone, rather he would take great caution and narrate only from authentic and reliable sources. Even other great scholars and companions of his time bear witness to that like, Imaam of Makkah, Sufyaan bin Uyainah, who says, "May Allah have mercy upon Malik, he is extremely critical of the men (in regards to the chain of narrators of a Hadith). He would also say, "Imaam Malik only used to narrate to others authentic Hadith, he would not report except from reliable narrators, I don't see Madinah but in decrease (ie. in regards to the knowledge) after the death of Malik." One of his most greatest pupils, Imaam Shaf'iee (RA) says about him, "That when Imaam Malik was in doubt over a Hadith he would totally disregard it.
Islamic Wallpaper Madina
Islamic Wallpaper Madina
Islamic Wallpaper Madina
Islamic Wallpaper Madina

Islamic Wallpaper Madina
Islamic Wallpaper Madina
Islamic Wallpaper Madina
Islamic Wallpaper Madina
Islamic Wallpaper Madina
Islamic Wallpaper Madina

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