Friday 15 February 2013

Islamic Wallpapers For Pc

Islamic Wallpapers For Pc  Biogarphy

Allah is God, the one and only Creator & Sustainer of the universe. Allah creates human beings, animals, plants, mountains, rivers, oceans, etc. Allah judges the deeds (actions) of human beings, punishes individuals for their bad deeds and rewards them for their good deeds, both in their life on Earth and on the Day of Judgement.

Allah (God) sent prophets (such as Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Mohammad, peace be upon them) to call people to follow God's religion. The Quran prescribes for Muslims to regard all prophets of God as equally worthy of respect.

Some Christians think that Mohammad is Allah or that Muslims worship Mohammad (p). This is 100% false. This erroneous belief of Christians stems from the fact that Christians worship Jesus, so they falsely presume that Muslims worship Mohammad (p).

Mohammad (p) was simply a human prophet. He never claimed to be God. Muslims do not worship prophet Mohammad, directly or indirectly. Islam is  a strictly Monotheistic religion. Islam highly emphasizes that there is only one God. No human being has divine attributes. God's prophets are not divine, but they are assigned a mission by God to call people to follow God's religion.
Islamic Wallpapers For Pc 
Islamic Wallpapers For Pc 
Islamic Wallpapers For Pc 
Islamic Wallpapers For Pc 
Islamic Wallpapers For Pc 
Islamic Wallpapers For Pc 
Islamic Wallpapers For Pc 
Islamic Wallpapers For Pc 
Islamic Wallpapers For Pc 
Islamic Wallpapers For Pc 

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