Friday 15 February 2013

Islamic Wallpapers Free Download

Islamic Wallpapers Free Download Biogarohy

The Sirat Rasul Allah was written by Ibn Ishaq in 750 A.D. He died in 773 A.D.  It was edited and abridged by Abd al-Malik ibn Hisham in 828 A.D. and translated by Alfred Guillaume under the title, The Life of Muhammad in 1955 by Oxford Press. Abd al-Malik ibn Hisham's "Life of Muhammad" relied on the earlier works.  Ulmar al-Waqidi of Medina, who died in 825 A.D. produced a work, which portions of which have survived, called "The Expeditions of Muhammad".  The History of al-Tabari was written by Abu Muhammad bin al-Tabari between 870 and 920 A.D. His monumental work was translated and published in 1987 through 1997 by the State University of New York Press. Make sure you study I, II, VI, VII, VIII, and IX. Al-Bukhari's Hadith, titled: Sahih Al-Bukhari and The True Traditions which was collected by Imam Bukhari in 850 A.D. Be sure to use the collector's original nomenclature because the only printed English translation (Publisher-Maktaba Dar-us-Salam, Translator-Muhammad Khan) was abridged and erroneously numbered. Finally, I recommend that you acquire at least three of the following Qur'an translations: Ahmed Ali, Pikthal, Noble by Muhsin Khan, Yusuf Ali, or Shakir. The oldest Qur'an fragments date to around 725 A.D. - a century after they were first recited.

The main intent of this article is to warn Christians who may be "fooled" into Islam, because they did not have all the facts.  It is a matter of grave concern.  If you reject Jesus and the salvation He made possible -- and follow Islam, your entire salvation (where you will spend eternity) is at stake.  Islam can deceive you.  It can fool the very elect.  It rejects the salvation Jesus has made possible.  Islam spreads the lie that Jesus never even died on a cross.  That alone makes it demonic.  This document also exists as a reference document to get out the truth which Muslims are never allowed to see.  Of all the holy books in the world, Satan has taken pains to ensure that Muhammad and his Qur'an defiantly stand in diametrical opposition to Jesus, the Son of God, the true Prince of Peace - and his New Testament.

The immortal souls of billions of individuals are involved here.  To good Muslims  I say; "I have sympathy with your having to grow up in a closed society -- where not embracing Islam would have gotten you shunned or even killed".  According to many interpretations of the Qur'an (aka: Koran), conversion to a faith other than Islam is punishable by death.  Like Satan's slavery, Islam maintains a choke hold on its followers.  This sorrowful situation most Muslims are born into should arouse compassion and not scorn, from the followers of the Christ.

Jesus never said a true prophet would appear in the last days. Rather, He said false prophets would arise who would deceive, if possible, the very elect.

One Must be a Christian to be Saved! References for this is found in John 14:6; Acts 4:12, and 26:28; 1 Peter 4:16. One cannot be a Christian without verbally confessing the deity of Jesus the Christ. One cannot even pray to G

od, let alone have sins remitted by Him, without approaching Him through Jesus (John 14:6 and 13, 15:16; 16:23-24; Romans 5:2, and Ephesians 2:18). I know Muslims and Mormons, Christian Scientists and Seventh Day Adventists will not want to hear this, but the Bible declares that Jesus was the FINAL revelation of God to man. There have been no others. (The Quran Unveiled
Islamic Wallpapers Free Download
Islamic Wallpapers Free Download
Islamic Wallpapers Free Download
Islamic Wallpapers Free Download
Islamic Wallpapers Free Download
Islamic Wallpapers Free Download
Islamic Wallpapers Free Download
Islamic Wallpapers Free Download
Islamic Wallpapers Free Download
Islamic Wallpapers Free Download

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