Friday 15 February 2013

Wallpaper Of Islam

Wallpaper Of Islam Biogarphy
"Islam" is an Arabic word that means "acceptance," "surrender," "submission," or "commitment," and is closely related to the Arabic word for peace (salaam; in Hebrew, shalom). Adherents of Islam are called Muslims, literally, those who make peace. Muslims are those who surrender to the will of God (Allah, in Arabic) in every aspect of their lives and enjoy the resulting peace with God and each other. The prophet Muhammad gave the name Islam to the religious movement he founded.
Wallpaper Of Islam
Wallpaper Of Islam
Wallpaper Of Islam
Wallpaper Of Islam

Wallpaper Of Islam
Wallpaper Of Islam
Wallpaper Of Islam
Wallpaper Of Islam
Wallpaper Of Islam

Wallpaper Of Islam

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